Tuesday update

Well, I think I'm the same as last Tuesday...175.4 officially, with a 38.5% body fat according to my scale at home. Yup, that's right, lots of fat. Mostly on my backside.

In order for me not to have to buy more pants (maybe one pair for the new fall season since Hubs is sick of my khakis and so am I), I'm going to have to get down to my wedding weight - 160. 5.4 more lbs to go til I hit that goal! I'm not letting myself get any new workout pants either, in an effort to motivate myself - all of the ones I have now are either yoga pants (which I don't want to wear to walk around the neighbourhood) or have shrunk (thanks, tar-jay) so I look like I'm prepping for the flood.

I want workout pants, walking pants really, that I can use in the fall, that won't shrink, and that aren't clingy. Anyone out there on the interwebz have a certain pair they love?


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