Tuesday Update & new reading material!

(one day late, shoot me)

So I was sick on Mon and Tues, didn't get to do anything. Lately I haven't been able to get up in the mornings, either, so that puts a damper on the morning-work-out wishes.

My jeans don't fit anymore, and I've hit my Highest Weight Ever (HWE for future reference), that weight that I don't want to go past EVER (future fetus weight included), so I'd better get to steppin' on this weight-loss thing.

I was browsing the bargain book section at borders this weekend (don't you LOVE all the alliteration in this post?) and came across a lovely cheap tome called The Gorgeously Green Diet, and while the bargain books are usually a bargain for a reason, I skimmed a few of the recipes in the back and couldn't pass this one up.

It has a lot of really good information. Besides having three main food plans based on your level of eco-madness, there are also websites to back up and search for everything, which tugs at the heartstrings of an internerd like me.

I'm only a third of the way through right now, just past the eating plans, and while I'm not sure if I can commit to every meal in my plan (I'm in the middle), I am going to try to commit to most. It's hard right now because - duh - it's winter. Welcome to PA, the Land of Dead Things and Potholes during winter. Which directly leads to the Land of Construction during summer.

I'll let you know more as I keep truckin' - there apparently is a password in the book which you can use at the website, which is another juicy tidbit for me. Anything that says "here, a secret password! and it has nothing to do with Ovaltine!" gets me all hot and bothered.

and my sister bought the original:

check it out at Amazon, yo.


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