I just remembered yesterday was Saturday, that's one of my weigh-in days! Oops. At least I went to the gym?
I was amazed my ID card was still in the little bin up front! I enjoy going Saturdays after 12:00 noon, because all of the yuppies are already home. They make me look bad, in my oversize sweatpants and large karate shirt. I wish they made affordable, flattering workout clothes for people who are not Barbie. Spandex or stretchy pants + Cat do not mix.
Even he looks better than I in stretchy pants.
Hopefully as my muffins go down I will look better in my sweatpants and not have to wear the large shirts and look like an apple.
Anywho, I did a small stint on the elliptical, and then hit the weights. They always make me feel better, but don't even compare to when I work up a sweat out on a walk or run, or on the treadmill. So, I am going to do my best to work a treadmill walk into my mornings. I like to reserve my mornings for yoga and pilates, to stretch myself out and help my back, but now that I'm all technologically groovy with the iTunes and such, and my iPod now has better music on it (hello there, Glee soundtrack and Donnas cd) I should be able to handle at least 15 minutes of treadmilling in my bo-ring basement.
So, this weekend's assessment:
gym = good
eating = not great, but I didn't overdose on the sweets. I had one oreo rice krispie treat (yes, they taste like cookies 'n' cream ice cream) and resisted the rest of the goodies at the bake sale.
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